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At La Mer Wellbeing, we provide specialized academic support services for students within schools, focusing on improving proficiency in reading, writing, spelling, and mathematics.

Benefits of our academic support services include:

Our qualified educators offer personalized instruction tailored to the specific learning needs and abilities of each student, utilizing evidence-based strategies and resources to enhance reading comprehension, writing fluency, spelling accuracy, and mathematical proficiency.

We work on developing essential academic skills, including phonics, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, problem-solving, numeracy, and mathematical reasoning, to help students succeed in their academic endeavours and build a strong foundation for future learning.
We provide remedial support for students who may be struggling with certain concepts or skills, as well as reinforcement for those who need additional practice or enrichment opportunities to further develop their academic abilities.
Our supportive approach fosters a positive learning environment where students feel empowered to take risks, make mistakes, and grow from their experiences, building confidence in their academic abilities and fostering a love for learning.
We regularly assess student progress and adjust instruction, accordingly, ensuring that interventions are effective and aligned with their evolving needs and goals, while also providing ongoing feedback and encouragement to promote continuous improvement.
Partner with La Mer Wellbeing to provide comprehensive academic support, empowering students to overcome challenges, achieve academic success, and realize their full potential.