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Introducing the Curriculum That’s Revolutionizing Global Education

We are proud to announce the launch of our groundbreaking curriculum Happiness. that is transforming schools and education around the world. This innovative approach is designed to meet the unique challenges children face today, offering a forward-thinking solution that prepares them for the realities of the world we live in.

In response to the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, excessive screen time, and the overwhelming influence of social media, our curriculum aims to restore balance and provide children with the tools they need to thrive. It focuses on developing key intelligences that equip students with the emotional and social skills essential for navigating today’s complex world.

Children today are facing an unprecedented array of issues. The rise of social media has brought with it pressures around self-image and peer validation, leading to increased rates of anxiety and depression. Excessive screen time has also taken a toll, affecting their physical health, concentration, and the ability to engage in meaningful, in-person interactions.

COVID-19 has further disrupted education, leaving many children struggling to adapt to new learning environments and heightened uncertainties. This disruption has highlighted the need for a curriculum that goes beyond traditional subjects, offering a holistic approach to learning that prioritizes well-being alongside knowledge.

Our curriculum is designed with these challenges in mind. By focusing on the development of multiple intelligences we aim to nurture well-rounded individuals who are better equipped to succeed both in school and in life. This is the education our children deserve, and it’s the education that will help them lead a brighter, more balanced future.